Have Your 1099s & W-2s Been Sent To Recipients?

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The deadline to have 1099s & W-2s to recipients is February 2nd. If you haven’t sent off 1099s & W-2s to your contractors/employees, then I have the perfect e-filing solution for you – ExpressTaxFilings.com.

E-filing only takes a few moments and if you are filing for multiple recipients ExpressTaxFilings provides a bulk upload option to import your recipient’s information.

If you need to e-file 1099s, ExpressTaxFilings provides e-filing for:

Form 1099-MISC is used to report miscellaneous income for services performed for a business by people not treated as its employees, such as contractors, rent payments or prizes.

Form 1099-INT is a yearly tax statement provided by payers of interest income that summarizes income of more than $10 from interest along with associated expenses.

Form 1099-DIV is a yearly tax statement provided to investors by banks and other financial institutions to report dividends and other distributions to recipients and the IRS.

E-Filing W-2

E-filing your W-2 is a three step process with ExpressTaxFilings. I’m not including the step of creating an account, because that is just a given. After you have created your account, your first step is to choose the form you want to file. Step two is entering the information. Then, the final step is to pay and transmit to the IRS. It really is that simple. Check out our video that shows the entire process.

How to make corrections 
Mistakes happen, but they are easily corrected with ExpressTaxFilings. We have a correction form for the W-2 and for the 1099.

To correct a Form W-2 you will need to file a Form W-2c. This form can correct an incorrect tax year and/or EIN, more than one W-2 for an employee, and an incorrect employee address. The e-filing process is very similar to the W-2 and if you have any questions, give our support team a call (all our contact information will be listed below).

To correct a Form 1099 you will e-file a 1099 Correction form. This form is used to fix two types of errors; type 1 & type 2. Type 1 errors include: incorrect tax amounts, code, checkbox, payee name, or if the return was filed when it shouldn’t have been. Type 2 errors include: a payee number is missing, the name and/or address is incorrect, or the original return was filed on the wrong type of return.

E-Filing Form W-2 with ExpressTaxFilings

Time is running out to have your 1099s & W-2s to recipients by the February 2nd deadline. With ExpressTaxFilings, you can have all your e-filing done in minutes and the stress of the deadline will be off your shoulders. If you have any questions when e-filing, give our support professionals a call at 704-839-2270 or send us an email: support@expresstaxfilings.com

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