What Is a TIN and How Do I Get One?

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A TIN is a Taxpayer Identification Number used by the IRS.  Social Security Numbers are issued by the Social Security Administration, while all other TINs are issued by the IRS.

Taxpayer Identification Numbers

  • Social Security Number “SSN
  • Employer Identification Number “EIN
  • Individual Taxpayer Identification Number “ITIN
  • Taxpayer Identification Number for Pending U.S. Adoptions “ATIN
  • Preparer Taxpayer Identification Number “PTIN

See the information below directly from the IRS Website, on how to obtain a TIN:


You will need to complete Form SS-5, Application for a Social Security Card (PDF). You also must submit evidence of your identity, age, and U.S. citizenship or lawful alien status. For more information please see the Social Security website.
Form SS-5 is also available by calling 1-800-772-1213 or visiting your local Social Security office. These services are free.


An Employer Identification Number (EIN) is also known as a federal tax identification number, and is used to identify a business entity. It is also used by estates and trusts which have income which is required to be reported on Form 1041, U.S. Income Tax Return for Estates and Trusts (PDF). Refer to Employer ID Numbers for more information.

The following form is available only to employers located in Puerto Rico, Solicitud de Número de Identificación Patronal (EIN) SS-4PR (PDF).


An ITIN, or Individual Taxpayer Identification Number, is a tax processing number only available for certain nonresident and resident aliens, their spouses, and dependents who cannot get a Social Security Number (SSN). It is a 9-digit number, beginning with the number “9”, formatted like an SSN (NNN-NN-NNNN).
To obtain an ITIN, you must complete IRS Form W-7, IRS Application for Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (PDF) . The Form W-7 requires documentation substantiating foreign/alien status and true identity for each individual. You may either mail the documentation, along with the Form W-7, to the address shown in the Form W-7 Instructions, present it at IRS walk-in offices, or process your application through an Acceptance Agent authorized by the IRS. Form W-7(SP), Solicitud de Número de Identificación Personal del Contribuyente del Servicio de Impuestos Internos(PDF) is available for use by Spanish speakers.


An Adoption Taxpayer Identification Number (ATIN) is a temporary nine-digit number issued by the IRS to individuals who are in the process of legally adopting a U.S. citizen or resident child but who cannot get an SSN for that child in time to file their tax return.
Form W-7A, Application for Taxpayer Identification Number for Pending U.S. Adoptions (PDF) is used to apply for an ATIN. (NOTE: Do not use Form W-7A if the child is not a U.S. citizen or resident.)


Beginning January 1, 2011, if you are a paid tax preparer you must use a valid Preparer Tax Identification Number (PTIN) on returns you prepare. Use of the PTIN no longer is optional. If you do not have a PTIN, you must get one by using the new IRS sign-up system. Even if you have a PTIN but you received it prior to September 28, 2010, you must apply for a new or renewed PTIN by using the new system. If all your authentication information matches, you may be issued the same number. You must have a PTIN if you, for compensation, prepare all or substantially all of any federal tax return or claim for refund.
If you do not want to apply for a PTIN online, use Form W-12, IRS Paid Preparer Tax Identification Number Application (PDF). The paper application will take 4-6 weeks to process.
For questions or more details,  contact the Express Tax Support Center in Rock Hill, SC at 803-514-5155 between the hours of 8am – 6pm EST, Monday through Friday or email us at support@ExpressTaxFilings.com.

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