reading time: 8 minute(s)
What is Form W2?
Form W2 is the wage and tax statement that an employer has to report. The employer has to report on the wage and salary information of the employee/s to SSA (Social Security Administration) through Form W2. The copy of W2 Form has to be printed and sent to the employees.
How TaxBandits assists you in filing Form W2?
TaxBandits is an IRS authorized e-file provider designed specially to e-file form W2 with best pricing and easy process. TaxBandits help you keep track of the deadlines and never lets you miss your e-filing deadline. Also, our validation process helps you to make an accurate and error-free filing.
Check the other features listed below that will leave you with no choice than to choose TaxBandits:
- Best and lowest pricing in the market
- TIN matching
- IRS business rule validation
- USPS address validation
- Record keeping of your data
- Generates Form W3 for your reference
- Access Form copies anytime
- Distribute Employee Copies
What are the information you need to file 2019 Form W2?
Before you could start with the filing process, have all these information handy to make the process quicker and easier.
- Employer details that are needed
- Name, address, and zip code
- Employer type
- Employer’s state ID number
- Employee details
- Name
- Address and contact information
- Federal filing details
- Federal Income
- Federal Tax Withheld
- State filing details
- Federal Income
- Federal Tax Withheld
- State Income Tax withheld
Do not worry, we are always here to help you with your Form W2 filing.
How to file Form W2 electronically?
E-File W2 Form with TaxBandits is easy and can be done in just a few minutes.
- Ceate your free TaxBandits account, to get started.
- Once you are in, simply click the “Form W-2” button and then begin entering the required information.
- The program will walk you through the process simply and easily saving you valuable time and money.
- You can finally efile your W2 with both the federal and the state in one click.
Get Started Now
What is the deadline to file Form W2?
TaxBandits will help you keep track of your filing deadlines whether it is filing with the SSA or sending the form copies to your employees. We will also get you the exact date by which you have to send the form copies to the employees for it to reach by the deadline.
- Deadline to file Form W2 (both e-filing and paper filing) – January 31, 2020
- Furnishing Form Copies B, C, and 2 to employees – On or before the due date
Where can I get help to e-file Form W2 with TaxBandits?
If you need any help along the way this video walks you through the entire process. TaxBandits has done everything we can to make this process as simple as possible, but if you would like some personal assistance, contact the Express Tax Support Center in Rock Hill, SC at 704.684.4751 between the hours of 8am – 6pm EST, Monday through Friday or email
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