The Best Environmental Nonprofits to Consider Donating

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One of the most powerful aspects of being a small business owner is the ability to give back. Protect the environment by giving back to the community.

Whether it’s donating money to charity or volunteering time in the community, your business has the potential to influence both your nation and its local area.

We’ve compiled a list of some of the best nonprofit environmental organizations that you’ll want to consider donating to.

Environmental protection is an important topic in today’s world.

Not only do these organizations give you the chance to save our planet, but your clients and partners will thank you for your partnership with environmental nonprofits.

Keep reading to learn about some of the best nonprofit environmental organizations in the US!


The Best Environmental Nonprofits to Consider Donating

The Wild Animal Sanctuary in Keenesburg, Colorado

If you love animals, this organization is sure to catch your attention. The Wild Animal Sanctuary is focused on both rescuing animals and educating the public.

They’ve saved hundreds of bears, great cats, wolves, and more from illegal and abusive situations, providing them life-long homes on large free-roaming habitats.

This organization’s main goal is to protect the environment by helping animals who are victims of the Captive Wildlife Crisis in America today. The Wild Animal Sanctuary provides rescued animals with comfortable environments throughout their 9,793-acre facilities. Visit their website to get involved in their environmental protection mission today.

National Parks Conservation Association in Washington, D.C.

The NCPA is dedicated to protecting our nation’s National Park System. For 100 years, they’ve brought together people from all walks of life to fight for conservation.

With support from their members and donors, they ensure that our nation’s most iconic places are well preserved for generations to come. The NPCA works tirelessly at the parks, in the courtroom, and on Capitol Hill to ensure that this mission is fulfilled.

“[The National Park’s] enormous value to popular education, to the increased pleasure which comes only with understanding, to outdoor living and to travel in America is left for the people to develop.

It is to help reap this important harvest and to bring together in a common endeavor the helpful citizens of every part of the land that the National Parks Association was founded.” -Robert Sterling Yard

Trees, Water & People Fort Collins, Colorado

Next on our list of best nonprofit environmental organizations is Trees, Water & People, an organization dedicated to protecting, conserving, and managing our nation’s natural resources.

It also works to empower indigenous people nationally and internationally. TWP helps improve the lives of Native American families living on the reservations of the Great Plains by building solar heating systems to save them money and improve the environment.

In addition to providing lasting solutions, TWP spreads knowledge of renewable energy sources. They’ve trained more than 175 tribal members in residential and facility-scale renewable energy applications.

Environmental and Energy Study Institute in Washington, D.C.

This next pick is also focused on creating environmentally sustainable societies. Founded in 1984 by a bipartisan group of Congress members, the EESI works to protect the environment by developing “win-win” policy solutions.

Their goals include reducing energy costs, strengthening global competitiveness, providing clean air and water, improving public health, fighting climate change, and more.

The EESI is an incredibly proactive organization, tackling environmental protection issues efficiently and preparing our nation for future generations.

Conserve School in Land O’ Lakes, Wisconsin

Last but not least on our list of best nonprofit environmental organizations is Conserve School. This environmental protection group gives back by engaging young people in the efforts to save our planet.

Nature acts as the classroom, preparing young people to prioritize environmental responsibility and promote environmental activism throughout their lives.Volunteer team gathered to make environmental protection fun!

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Understanding how your business affects the environment and taking the initiative to limit its impact is critical to being a successful and responsible business owner.

Save our planet, save time, AND save money! Plus, don’t forget to re-invest the extra time you saved via TaxBandits into these top environmental nonprofits.

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