Filing Forms Using the QuickBooks Integration in TaxBandits
Here are the step-by-step instructions on how to connect your QuickBooks account with us.
TaxBandits is Ready to Help You E-file W-2, 1099, and 94x Forms for the 2021 Tax Year!
Out with the old year and in with the new, 2022 has arrived. This means that in addition to your new year’s resolutions you will also need to complete your...
Meet your Form 941 Deadline By Midnight with TaxBandits
You wake up, look at your calendar, and realize what today is…oh no. You knew that your Form 941 Deadline was coming up, but you didn’t remember that it was...
A Form 941 Checklist for the Second Quarter 941 Deadline
Tips for filing Form 941 accurately and on time!
How to E-file Form 941 for the Second Quarter of 2021 with TaxBandits
E-filing 941 with TaxBandits is easy, learn how!
The Checklist You need to File the Form 5498 Series for 2020 Tax Year
With 2 weeks left to meet your deadline, here are some tips!
The Coverdell Education Savings Account and IRS Filing Requirements
Reporting ESA contributions for TY 2020