E-filing with TaxBandits has many advantages. There are no downloads, no monthly fees, no papers forms to purchase, accessibility on any computer, the list could go on forever. Now, if...
Start your new year by experiencing stress-free e-filing that only ExpressTaxFilings.com can provide. It’s true, there is no other program more efficient and user-friendly available to e-file your 1099 and...
With 2014 coming to a close, have you already started thinking of what resolutions you want to make for the new year? Eat more vegatables perhaps , or enjoy more...
Whether you have made the naughty (it’s good to be bad) or the nice (that halo really compliments your skin tone) list this year, you deserve something extra special just...
Happy Thanksgiving from everyone here at ExpressTaxFilings! There some very important updates you need to know before the hustle and bustle of the holiday season is in full swing. First,...
During the holidays, many of us find ways to give back to our communities. After all, it is better to give than receive and all your giving can result in...
Have you met the 1099’s? They are quite the Miscellaneous bunch. If you don’t get that now, you will later. If you haven’t had the pleasure of meeting this family...
Today is a special day. On this day, in this blog, we will be interviewing ExpressTaxFilings to get the full story on the features and benefits they provide for their...
Have you been patiently waiting for another game of Guess That Tax Form? I know the ExpressTaxFilings Team has. During these in-between tax season months, the ETF Team works hard...