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Filing your 1099 & W-2s early with TaxBandits does have its advantages. The main one: no waiting. We can even get started right now!
Advantage #2 is just as amazing: saves you time and a stress induced headache. Waiting until January to file your 1099 & W-2s has an extremely high likelihood to stress you out because you will be rushed and that is when mistakes happen. Right now is the perfect time to file, then you get it all out of the way and can focus on 2015 being your best year yet.
Advantage #3 is an TaxBandits favorite: Print forms immediately from any printer. Tying in with the – no waiting advantage, you don’t have to wait to print your forms after you submit them. We also provide you the option to have the forms automatically postal mailed to your recipients.
For more informtation on early filing of your 1099 & W-2 Form, check out the entire article – Early Filing is Now Available for 1099 & W-2 Forms
Bonus: You can take advantage on E-filing W-2 and 1099 forms by receiving 10% off on your filing fee with promo code EARLY10. Promo code expires January 7, 2015!
Since the magic of 1099 & W-2 filing only comes once a year, you might be a touch rusty on the whole process. But don’t you worry, the TaxBandits Support Team is here to assist you with any questions you have. You can reach us at our headquarters, located in Rock Hill, SC, via phone: 704-839-2270 or email:
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