How To E-File Form W-2 with TaxBandits

reading time: 7 minute(s)

E-filing with TaxBandits has many advantages. There are no downloads, no monthly fees, no papers forms to purchase, accessibility on any computer, the list could go on forever. Now, if you are new to e-filing, let me first say it really is the only way to file forms with the IRS. Second, the entire e-filing process is extremely simplified from the more inefficient paper method. With TaxBandits, you can e-file and transmit your forms in a matter of minutes. Here’s how…..

Step 1 – Create An Account
Easy enough, right? You simply go to and enter in a little bit of information to create your very own e-filing account. 

Step 2 – Choose Your Form
The title to this step almost sounds like game show; just a random thought. After you have created your account and are ready to get your filing on, all you will do is choose the particular form you will need to file. This blog is focused on e-filing the W-2, so that would be the form you choose. TaxBandits does offer Form 1099, Form 1096, and Correction Forms.

Step 3 – Enter Payer & Recipient Information
This is the fun part. Here is where you enter in all the information for the payer and recipient. If you are filing for a lot of recipients and meticulous entry of information over and over again is not your thing, we provide you with a time & stress saving Bulk Upload Feature. This makes all your information entering quick and basically effortless, you just click a few buttons.

Step 4 – Select Services
This step is like a summary with a list of all unsubmitted forms for each payer. You have the option to check and uncheck the forms you want to e-file and we will automatically calculate your fees. We provide a few different payment options along with a selection of how you send the forms to recipients. If you need to file forms with your state, that option is also included on this page.

Step 5 – Pay & Transmit
As soon as your payment has been authorized, the final step is transmitting the return to the IRS/SSA. You simply click a button and we will send you notification that your transmission was received, along with a reciept via the email address assigned to the account. And..well…that’s it. It’s all pretty simple.

A copy of your W-2 form will be saved in your accout. If you find that there is incorrect information on your W-2, we do provide correction forms. When e-filing, if you have any questions do not hesitate to call our US-Based Customer Support Team. There is no touch dial answering machines here, you will always speak with a live support professional and you can reach us via phone: 704-839-2270 or 24/7 emergency email:

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