Sales Tax Holiday For Back To School

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state sales tax exemptions

Raise your hand if you know the answer to this question: Who is ready for the Back To School Sales Tax Holiday?….me too!

I look forward to South Carolina’s three day tax holiday every year. Planning has already begun on what stores to shop at and a meticulous budget is in the works. State Sales Tax Holidays are perfect for the financial conscious parent. It is amazing how much you can save during this time of no sales tax. It always blows my mind when I total up my saving at the end of a shopping haul.
So before the hectic sales tax holiday begins here are some tips from the team at ExpressTaxFilings
  • have a list of items you will need ready to go
  • set budget
  • plan out a map of stores and what items to purchase at each location to keep you on track. 
Here is list of states that are providing tax payers a much deserved break this year:
Alabama (August 1-3) – This will be Alabama’s 8th annual sales tax holiday. Exemptions are as follows: clothing ($100 or less, per item), computers (on a single purchase up to $750), school/art supplies, school instructional materials ($50 or less, per item) and books ($30 or less, per item). 
Arkansas (August 2-3) – Their sales tax holiday allows budget-wise shoppers the opportunity to purchase certain school/art supplies, school instructional materials, and clothing ($100 or less, per item) free of state and local sales or use tax. 
Florida (August 1-3) – Florida’s 3-day tax holiday offers no sales tax or local option tax on $100 or less, per item of clothing/footwear/certain accessories. The tax exemption also applies to school supplies ($15 or less, per item), computers and computers accessories (up to $750 per item).
Georgia (August 1-2) – Georgia is truly a peach with tax exemptions being provided for clothing purchases of $100 or less per item, computers and related accessories of $1,000 or less, per item (great time to get that new computer for college students) and school supplies ($20 or less, per item).
South Carolina (August 1-3) – South Carolina is just marvelous when it comes to their sales tax holiday. If you don’t know, it might be high time to ask somebody. They provide exemptions on..brace yourself: clothing, clothing accessories, footwear, school supplies and computers. Pretty much everything you need for Back To School is tax exempt during these first 3 days in August. 
Tennessee (August 1-3) – Sales tax exemptions apply to purchases of clothing ($100 or less, per item), computers ($1,500 or less) and school/art supplies ($100 or less, per item). 

Texas – (August 8-10) The Lone Star State does not disappoint for their sales tax holiday. Texas provides exemptions on purchases ($100 or less, per item) of clothing/footwear/backpacks, and school supplies ($100 or less, per item).
Virginia – (August 1-3) Virginia provides sales tax exemptions on purchases of clothing and footwear of $100 or less per item, and on school supplies of $20 or less per item.
For more information on your states Sales Tax Holiday, visit their website look for their Department of Revenue page. Most states will have all the information you need right there. 

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