Attention nonprofit groups and charity organizations! Today is a major Form 990 deadline day. Be sure to file by tonight, December 15th at midnight in order to comply with the...
Time is winding up for the December 15 deadline to file Form 990! With Christmas right around the corner and various holiday festivities taking place, we realize how easy it...
It’s a great time of year for nonprofit groups and charity organizations, as it’s the busiest month for giving and thinking of others. However, during all the holiday bliss, don’t...
Attention tax exempt organizations, a major 990 deadline is coming up on November 15. Is this your deadline to file? If so, we hope you file by the deadline so...
Last week, we learned that tax-exempt organizations who operate on a calendar tax year have until May 15, 2017, to file their 2016 990 Form Series Return with the IRS....
We sure do talk a lot about IRS information return filing here at TaxBandits, but did you know that we’ve got a sister product that’ll help you extend the deadline...