E-filing with TaxBandits has many advantages. There are no downloads, no monthly fees, no papers forms to purchase, accessibility on any computer, the list could go on forever. Now, if...
Start your new year by experiencing stress-free e-filing that only ExpressTaxFilings.com can provide. It’s true, there is no other program more efficient and user-friendly available to e-file your 1099 and...
With 2014 coming to a close, have you already started thinking of what resolutions you want to make for the new year? Eat more vegatables perhaps , or enjoy more...
Whether you have made the naughty (it’s good to be bad) or the nice (that halo really compliments your skin tone) list this year, you deserve something extra special just...
Has the post-tax season depression started settling in? Well turn that frown upside down, your a tax master and the off-season is the perfect time sharpen your skills. So let’s...
Problem: You submitted your Form W-2 through ExpressTaxFilings, but now you see there is incorrect information on the return. How do you correct the errors? Solution: E-file Form W-2c. Form...
The deadline to E-File your form 1099 and/or W-2’s is Monday March, 31st – to avoid late fees and/or penalties. When you E-File these forms with ExpressTaxFilings, you can do...
To avoid penalties, it is important to file your Forms 1099 and W-2 on time. The e-file deadline is March 31, 2014. According to General Instructions for Certain Information Returns...
Now it is time to file your Form W-2 with the SSA to report wages paid to employees and taxes withheld. The same information must be furnished to your employees....
January 31st is the deadline for issuing Forms 1099 and W-2s. So how do employers know if they are required to issue a Form 1099 or Form W-2? The simple...