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Attention nonprofit groups and charity organizations! Today is a major Form 990 deadline day. Be sure to file by tonight, December 15th at midnight in order to comply with the IRS and to avoid having to face huge penalties during the holiday season.
You might want to head to TaxBandits, the market-leading tax exempt organization online tax filing solution to quickly complete your Form 990 right now! It’s the hassle-free way to instantly file Form 990 and transmit it directly to the IRS. We will even provide you with last minute filing information to help the process along.
Form 990 Filing tips
Now your Form 990 deadline is based on your tax year. If you operate on a calendar tax year, that ends in December then your Form 990 deadline is on May 15th.
If you operate on a fiscal tax year, meaning your organization’s tax year operates for 12 consecutive months and ends in any month besides December, your Form 990 is due five months and 15 days after your tax year ends.
Therefore, if your fiscal tax year ended in July, then your deadline is December 15th. If you need to file today, make sure you file the correct Form 990. We currently offer the following 990 Forms:
Form 990: The form filed by organizations with gross receipts that are equal to or more than $200k or with total assets equal to or more than $500k.
Form 990-EZ: This is the Short Form Return of Organization Exempt From Income Tax. It’s used by organizations with that have less than $200k in gross receipts or less than $500k in total assets.
Form 990-N: This is the e-postcard for Electronic Notice of Tax Exempt Organizations that aren’t required to file Form 990 or Form 990-EZ. Organizations with gross receipts that are normally less than or equal to $50k are required to electronically file this form. It can’t be paper filed.
Form 990-PF: This is the Return of Private Foundation and it’s filed by private organizations in the United States. You must include a fiscal list of information and a total list of your grants to complete this form.
It’s a busy time of year, if you need more time to file, you can actually get an extension. All you have to do is spend a minute or two e-filing extension Form 8868 by your original form deadline to instantly receive an automatic 30-day extension. Imagine what you could do with 30 extra days!
However, if you’re ready to file now then all you have to do is create your free TaxBandits account to get started. Then you can follow the easy step-by-step e-filing guide to complete your form in a matter of minutes.
You can take advantage of our bulk upload feature to upload all of your information at once and our internal audit check will catch any basic errors. Also, in the rare event that your form is rejected, you can quickly amend it and retransmit it to the IRS.
We’re Here To Help
If you need any assistance filing your Form 990 then give the awesome, US-based TaxBandits support team a call! We’re here for you Monday – Friday from 9 AM to 6 PM EST at 704.684.4751. You can also reach us via live chat and through our 24/7 email support at
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